Monday, February 9, 2009

Tj is growing up.

Well today TJ lost one of his teeth. It is really his 3rd one but this time it was awesome. I didn't even know it was loose. He showed his daddy but then he realized that he likes to pull them out. So he quickly retreated to a good distance so he could discuss his options. He wanted to know if I thought he would look cute with out his top tooth. "Well of course!" I said. No one on this planet is as cute as you. Well in a few minutes he had to leave for gymnastics so he had to inhale a chicken patty sandwich. (his fave meal, absolutely dry, with a slice of cheese) All of a sudden in a very not so sure way he said, "I think my tooth fell out!" I turned to look and he was holding it in his hand. Then he said,"Yelp, it sure did!" Oh but wait there is more. He wanted to see what the new hole in his head felt like. So he stuck his finger in his mouth. Upon examining his finger, what do you think he saw? That is right! BLOOD!!!!! TJ ran to the bathroom as fast as he could all the while screaming that he is going to bleed to death. His dad and I tried not to laugh. He is so darn cute, you just can't help but giggle at him. He returned after he rinsed a new man. Of course, he had a tissue with the residual blood on it so he could show us all the great agony he had been under. When just a split second ago he had said,"I think my tooth fell out!" without a whimper or a wail.

Oh my goodness what a completely innocent soul my TJ is.

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