Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Have you ever bitten off more than you could chew?

Well let me see, I have a list of things that I am doing and I wouldn't believe it if someone else told me. My marriage is almost over and I really don't want that to happen.

  1. PTA Carnival Chair. Had carnival on 10-4. Thank goodness that is over
  2. PTA yearbook chair.
  • take pictures at all events
  • teach 5th graders curriculumn
  • design book

3. SYA special projects director.

  • Bingo night (done)
  • pictures (done)
  • trophies
  • carnival
  • plaques
  • fundraiser
  • shoutouts everyweek
  • team mom meetings every other week
  • answer atleast 20 questions a day
  • fundraising events at local resturaunts
  • donations for SYA
  • board meeting 1 a month
  • Cheer coach
    1. Teach 8 8-9 year olds cheer
    2. deal with parents
    3. Handle the football team and parents
    4. be postivie and show the girls how to do the same

4. College Student

  • Computer class
  • Algebra
  • Public speaking
  • Design
  • All the homework that goes along with 13 hours of college.

5. Mom

  • do I really have to list everything LOL

6. Wife

  • you know the drill

7. Creative Team Leader on 2 sites

  • I have turned the reins over until it slows down but I feel like such a disapointment

8. Friend

  • Listening!!!!! I feel like I just don't have time!! I feel like I am loosing my bff!

9. Substitute teach

  • I haven't had time to work and we really need me to work.

10. I volunteer and help whenever anyone needs it. I love to help the fine arts teacher at the elementary school. I love love love to help. I am very crafty and just love to help the kids. My mom never did anything so I don't know if that is why.

I don't think this is all. I do way more. I am so exhausted and I feel like I am letting my kids down. I know I am letting my husband down. He is the one that would rather not help anyone. I just like to help. UUUGGH

Rant over for now