Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Have you ever bitten off more than you could chew?

Well let me see, I have a list of things that I am doing and I wouldn't believe it if someone else told me. My marriage is almost over and I really don't want that to happen.

  1. PTA Carnival Chair. Had carnival on 10-4. Thank goodness that is over
  2. PTA yearbook chair.
  • take pictures at all events
  • teach 5th graders curriculumn
  • design book

3. SYA special projects director.

  • Bingo night (done)
  • pictures (done)
  • trophies
  • carnival
  • plaques
  • fundraiser
  • shoutouts everyweek
  • team mom meetings every other week
  • answer atleast 20 questions a day
  • fundraising events at local resturaunts
  • donations for SYA
  • board meeting 1 a month
  • Cheer coach
    1. Teach 8 8-9 year olds cheer
    2. deal with parents
    3. Handle the football team and parents
    4. be postivie and show the girls how to do the same

4. College Student

  • Computer class
  • Algebra
  • Public speaking
  • Design
  • All the homework that goes along with 13 hours of college.

5. Mom

  • do I really have to list everything LOL

6. Wife

  • you know the drill

7. Creative Team Leader on 2 sites

  • I have turned the reins over until it slows down but I feel like such a disapointment

8. Friend

  • Listening!!!!! I feel like I just don't have time!! I feel like I am loosing my bff!

9. Substitute teach

  • I haven't had time to work and we really need me to work.

10. I volunteer and help whenever anyone needs it. I love to help the fine arts teacher at the elementary school. I love love love to help. I am very crafty and just love to help the kids. My mom never did anything so I don't know if that is why.

I don't think this is all. I do way more. I am so exhausted and I feel like I am letting my kids down. I know I am letting my husband down. He is the one that would rather not help anyone. I just like to help. UUUGGH

Rant over for now

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow so much has been going on!

Well Hello again. It has been such a long time since I have posted on here and it is probably because I would like for this blog to go a totally different way. My mentor and dear friend told me I needed to update. She is horribly correct when she says things. Almost everytime. I would never tell her that face to face though.

I have just started my first college class. I am so excited and overwhelmed. I went to sleep and woke up thinking about it. I am just hoping I can get through it with an A and don't look like a complete goof.

I have been working on some digi kits and I am horrible embarrased by them. They don't look anything like I think they should. I think that I can do it all on my own but I really don't think that is ever going to happen. My pages are looking so much better. I am on 5 ct's now and I think I may be ruining my marriage if I don't keep my house clean and my dh fed before getting on the computer to scrap and check the forums that I am also moderator of. With the scrapbooking, Substitute teaching, Volunteering, College and being a mom and wife I need to start prioritizing and writing stuff down.

Oh my goodness, how do I get it all done. I have to make costumes and carry the kids around to practice and brownies. LOL I love it. Wouldn't trade it for the world. I guess the good thing is baseball is over until next year. Brownies is only one week and school will be out on the 5th of June. Then we have all the summer fun stuff.

So until next time. Rock on and don't forget to lift your voice to the lord no matter how off pitch you are!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I feel so old!

I turned 36 a couple of weeks ago and I have been having some tests done because I have had several bladder infections. Well I have Kidney stones and fat on my liver! Isn't that a sight. I need to lose about 50lbs. Then more tests. High Cholesterol and Low Thyroid! What is going on? I then went into the dentist for a normal cleaning and they wouldn't clean my teeth because I needed to see a specialist. WHAT!!! So I went into see the periodontist, and I need 4 bone graphs and major gum surgery. Maybe I should just get them all pulled. I have just cried all week. Yes, I found all of this info out this week and I have become a bit depressed. I have started eating a low fat diet and we are starting to get everyting together so that I can get my teeth worked on.

I just hope that everyone out there takes care of themselves. Watch your diet and make sure you go to the dentist annually and also see your doctor for a physical.

God bless you all!

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